June 4, 2010

Dum, Dum, Dum...

DUMPSTER, that is. We got a dumpster this week hoping to fill it with all the remaining "to go" items in the house - kitchen cabinets, old carpeting, wheelchair ramp off the porch, garbage etc... Well, we got most of the wheelchair ramp and all of the kitchen cabinets into it and it was FULL! We filled this dumpster up in 3 hours! I guess we'll have to find an alternative way to empty the rest of the garbage.

Here's the empty dumpster.
Cost of dumpster = $250

Here's the wheelchair ramp demo.

Here's the start of the kitchen demo Wednesday night
(thanks to help from our friend, Matt!)
Cost of Labor = $0

Make way for new kitchen!

We've gotten a lot accomplished in 1 week. But still much to do before move-in date arrives (around June 26!).

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