March 6, 2011

Monday Ramblings

I don't know about you, but this weekend was very busy for me. Joey and I were out of town all weekend starting Thursday night (it's nice to have a 3-day weekend here and there). Hence, no housework of any kind was accomplished. So, not much to share today on the home-front.

But we did have a fabulous time at my parent's house in Michigan - spending time with friends and family and preparing to celebrate the birth of my sister's baby. That's right, I'm going to be an Aunt for the first time! Did I tell you that before? Well, if not, now you officially know.

My sis, Rachel, is approximately 23 weeks a long. She's due July 4th. And you can finally begin to see the bun in the oven! (Look at them strong, white fingernails - one benefit to being preggo.)

I even got to feel the babe kick! And since my sister and brother-in-law live down south in Georgia, we don't see each other that often. So, this was exciting.

And to celebrate this gift of life, I helped my mama throw a little baby shower this weekend! It was loads of fun and great to see family and friends - old and new. I loved all the little details my mom put together to make the moment special.

Rachel's favorite color is green, and with all of us northerners craving spring, we did a yellow and green spring theme. All the flowers were yellow, white, and green.

We used flowers and other spring/Easter items as centerpieces for the tables.

Even the food was bright and colorful and served with a fabulous green punch. Yum.

We managed to fit 2 full tables into the dining area. It was a little tight, but only served to make us all closer! Each table looked fresh like spring.

Mom melted chocolate chips into a plastic mold and made mini chocolate duckies to top each slice of her homemade ho-ho cake. My mom is clever!

Above the tables of goodies, mom hung baby shoes from the chandelier. Most of these were actual shoes worn by my brother, sister, and me. These shoes were in great condition, which means we either didn't walk in them very often, or they just don't make shoes like they used to!

In addition to the tiny shoes hanging from the chandelier, both moms had baby photos and baby clothes and blankets set out for everyone to admire! I wonder who this new baby girl will look like? I ponder whose eyes, smile, and personality she will share.

Everyone who came (and even those who couldn't come) showed their love by showering Rachel and the babe with lots of gifts. People were just so generous.

Here is a tiny sampling...

Several handmade items - including these little knit caps and hair accessories. Wanna buy some yourself? Click HERE to check out The Ballerina Boutique blog or HERE for the Facebook page!

Children's books like Blueberries for Sal, which takes place in the beloved state of Maine and includes lines like, "Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!" Read the book to learn more...

There were some themes involved as well. I hope this baby girl loves the water!

I love my sister. I love her baby.

I thank God for the gift of Life, for the promises of his Word:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
~Psalm 139:13-16


In addition to the baby shower on Saturday, it was my birthday on Sunday. I turned the big 2-8.

Now, 28 years old is probably not that "big" to some of you, but considering how fast time flies lately, it will become the big 3-0 before I know it. I'll admit to you that I'm in denial. At least I have 2 years to prepare for this reality.

For my birthday, my family loved on me too, and I got a purdy present from my parents...

...a Vera Bradley duffle bag in the pattern "Sittin in a Tree". I love it. I travel often. So, I'll use it often.

I also got a little cash to do some spending! Always nice.

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend at my home-away-from-home.

Thanks for letting me ramble. And tell me, what did you do this weekend?

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