February 24, 2011

I Have a Secret

Psssst... I entered one of my blog posts into a little contest...

For those of you not familiar with the blog, The CSI Project, I highly recommend checking it out. It offers all kinds of contests for a million different homemade projects (decorating, design, fashion, food, etc..) and offers prizes to winners. Each week there is a Guest Judge who will decide their favorite project as well as the Top 10 contestants. There is one contest per week!

This week's contest is ... MOLDING! This includes anything from crown molding to bead board to board and batten, and all kinds of decorative trim which are so hot right now.

When you enter the challenge of the week, you enter the link to the specific post on your blog that relates to the project.

Click HERE to view this week's contest and scroll to the bottom to view the project I entered (#38), check out the dozens of other entries that showcase the beautiful use of woodwork, and you can even add your own link if you have a blog and are into that kind of stuff!

Or just click the CSI Project Button below to check out the full website!

Visit thecsiproject.com

Happy Blogging!

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