And at some point during the weekend, summer decided to make an appearance.
Hello, Summer!
It's nice to meet you again. I've missed you for the many, many months that you've been away. Please reprimand old man winter and tell him not to keep you hostage for so long next year. I'd be oh so grateful.
Yours Forever (or until Autumn arrives),
Moving right along...
Part of our time in Michiana (interpretation: Michigan + Indiana = Michiana) was spent shopping around looking at some country shops, vintage shops, and antique shops near Shipshewana, IN. Mom and I had a lot of fun browsing around and looking at all the items we wished we could buy (but didn't).
Here is a small variety of what peaked my interest...
One shop was full of cottage-y decor. I love the wooden ships with writings on the sails. If I was decorating a coastal cottage, this would definitely be the place to shop!
Another store I adored was full of vintage items. The picture below shows a small section that had all kinds of vintage laundry items - like old irons and ironing boards. It would be so fun to decorate a laundry space with a retro look like this...
Another reason I loved the store was because it was full of wooden letters, and signs with a lot of typography. I heart typography. Most of the letters were priced at around $5 each.
One of the tables I loved in the store was made from rulers and yardsticks on top. It cost around $400. I found it interesting and thought it would be fun to use in a home office or schoolroom.
The store was also full of many hilarious, vintage signs. We cracked up at some of the sayings like the one below...
"Mommy has a headache. You kids go play in traffic." ... I'm sure my mom thought that several times while we were growing up!
The last shop we visited was a large 2 story antique mall. We didn't have near enough time to look at everything (the men were tired, bored, and practically ushering us out the door by this time of day). So, we'll have to go back another time. Here are my 2 favorite items.
This first item is a little 1940's chest of drawers. I loved the curved front. This would look great with a coat of paint and a bit of distressing. It's the perfect height and size for a kids room. The cost was $85, and I would have bought it in a heartbeat if we had room in our car and $85 cash with us.
The second item is an old catalog chest. It may have been in a library originally. It was huge! And beautiful! And only $4,000 (womp, womp) ...guess I'll be saving up for a while to buy this one. Oh, and I also love the stenciled numbers above each drawer!
So, that pretty much sums up Saturday. Sunday was spent hanging out at my parent's house, and our good friends Jimmy and Erica (and the kiddos) drove 2 hours from Ft Wayne, IN for a short visit. It's always a good time with them! We left that evening and arrived back at the homestead around 10:30pm.
As I mentioned above, Monday involved some work around the house, which I'll expand on at a later time. But I also wanted to mention that Monday was the 1 Year Blog-iversary of J&K Homestead! Just like with the purchase of the house, I can't believe it's been 1 whole year since this whole blog adventure started. I've learned much along the way and continue to grow in my experiences with blogging, photography, homemaking, renovating, and decorating.
I hope, someday, to be able to walk my kids (and perhaps grandkids) back through the writings and photographs captured here so that they may grasp the wonderful experiences that Joey and I have shared together during this part of our marriage.
As always, a big thanks goes out to you, our readers, for taking time out of your day to read and comment on our little adventures! It wouldn't be the same without you! XOXO
So, now that I've rambled on and on, tell me, what did you do for Memorial Weekend?!
Pssst... Remember to check us out on Facebook and Pinterest if you haven't done so already!
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