On Friday, I mentioned that one of my goals for the weekend was to hang up some pictures/artwork over the many bare walls in our house in hopes of making the space feel more like "home". And since Joey was going to be M.I.A. all weekend, I found it to be the perfect opportunity to plan out a course of action, get the materials needed, and get to work (while listening to Disney princess music...I guess the Royal Wedding put me in the princess mood). Anyhoo...
As I mentioned, included in this "plan" was the intention of running out to local stores - Target, Hobby Lobby, Marshalls etc - to hunt for bargains, find what I was looking for in the art/pictures/frames department, and implement it. I was stoked.
Well, starting Thursday or Friday (I forget which day), our one and only car starting having major issues. Like transmission-type issues (although the transmission is actually fine). When driving the car it sounds like the inside is going to fall out onto the road and the car may break down at any moment and you're hoping no one is watching you as you loudly pitter-patter down the road at 20 mph. Not good.
With no real plan of action (yet) regarding said car, Joey exits the state for the weekend with his friends and leaves me home alone with the "car". His final words to me are as follows, "Feel free to try and drive it, but remember I won't be able to come help if you break down on the road."
Whomp. Whomp. Not encouraging.
I did make one attempt to drive the car on Saturday, but I only made it about 1/2 mile before deciding to turn around and go back home - all the while planning a course of action in my head should the car suddenly stop working in the middle of the road. Thankfully, I made it back to the driveway, but I didn't make it to any stores this weekend. Boo.
Trying to stick to the plan, I made a small attempt to hang a few items using what I had on hand. So, I'll share a few pictures with you that I took of the living room. Just keep in mind that this is still very much a work in progress. But something is better than nothing, right? Right.
Here is the picture I shared with you on Friday. It's the blank walls of the room. The other walls not shown do have some decor on them.
And here are the walls with a few additions I added this weekend. The wall space in-between the 2 windows on the left still seems a little bare, but that's intentional. I need to leave room on either side of the windows because the plan is to hang curtains (sometime soon) there. So, please use your imagination and think about what the wall would like like with curtains filling up some of the empty space. I still plan to add more decor. I'm just hesitant to add it until the curtains are up. Make sense?
Here's a close-up. The items I hung on the left wall include 2 keys from a Pottery Barn set of keys that I bought a while back, a picture frame (missing the picture that will go in it) and a plate sporting a little bird on branches. I bought the frame and plate super cheap at Marshalls a few weeks ago.
Above the swing arm lamp, I hung a picture of Joey and I from when we were dating. Yes, it's like 7-8 years old. But I love it. It's in a Pottery Barn picture frame. It's been hanging on a wall in every place we've lived since we got married. I refuse to change the picture.
Before & After (a small improvement)
Here are a few other snapshots around the living room, including some spring/summer decor I added to the bookshelves by the fireplace.
The small plate on the top shelf is also from Marshalls and coordinates with the large plate hung on the wall. The glass hurricane has some sand and beach-y items in the bottom of it.
Below is a wreath my mom made for me. It adds a spring flower vibe to the room. The little nest in the center fits with my birdie theme in the room.
I bought a bronze wreath hanger (from Target) to hang it on the door in the living room.
I hope our yard has real flowers like this someday...
So, that's my (long) story for now. I also hung some items in our den and bathroom. More to come on that as I have time. I'll also update you as I finally make it out to stores to get a few additional items I need in order to implement other projects.
Now it's your turn to tell a story. Have you hung anything on your walls recently? Are there any pictures/items that you refuse to get rid of because are you living in the past like me? Ha.
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