There are various rooms throughout the house that are getting some attention. Here are just a few of them in no particular order...
The Living Room has several bare walls. When I look at just the bare walls by themselves, the room looks so empty (even though other walls in the room have stuff on them). I'm going to focus primarily on the wall space above the sectional since that is the focal point when you enter the room.
The little Den area off of the family room is going to get some new artwork as well. Buh-bye pineapple...
The recently painted walls of the gray and white bathroom are ready for adornment...
This may be a little tricky only because the gray space is pretty high and above eye level for most people. I want to be sure that pictures/art don't disappear way up there.
And the newly painted hallway/stairwell needs major help. This is definitely going to be the most challenging space. Not sure if I will get to this space over the weekend. We'll see...
There are other walls here and there throughout the house that may get included as well, but I don't have pictures of them (sorry).
When I started on this project over a week ago, I pulled out all my picture frames and things I already owned to try and sort through what I wanted to keep, donate, throw away or change (spray paint maybe?).
In addition, I got out some other odds and ends of things like little shelves and artwork I already owned. What didn't fit on the dining room table spilled onto the floor.
The part that may take forever is actually sorting through and printing pictures I want to place in the frames. I have a million photos stored on my computer that I have never printed (shame on me). But I figure that even if I don't have the picture to go inside the frame just yet, I can at least get the frame hung. Taking the frame off the wall to quickly insert a picture is the easy part anyway. I just want to get the general layout of everything squared away.
So, wish me luck. I hope not to disappoint you all.
Yours Truly,
Princess Katherine (with a "K")

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