Why did I choose these 2 pictures for my Kitchen Inspiration board? THE CEILINGS! Oh my goodness how I love exposed brick. Add the curved architecture to the mix and you have amazing-ness!

This board contains a variety of items that could be implemented anywhere throughout our house...
If refinishing hardwood floors or carpeting them are too expensive for you, or if you just want to spice things up, try painting your hardwood floors. This checkerboard pattern has a vintage and cottage feel. And I like the wide planks of wood. I'm slightly considering this option right now.

The owner of this furniture piece MADE the item from an old library card catalog and a platform with legs. I want this so badly I can't put it into words. It is one of the most versatile and organizational items I've seen.

I just love the wallpaper and gray paint in this hallway (even though I have vowed to never use wallpaper). I also like the hooks.

This board is full of items I want to make myself. Take these flip-flop hangers for example. The girl who made them took old wire hangers, cut and bent them into shape, spray painted them white, and glued the ribbon and button on for decoration. BRILLIANT!!! I told her she should market these babies. They can hold ballet flats too.

Here's another beautiful DIY idea for hanging earrings - simply screwing little loop-hooks into a wooden hanger.

This is one of the most inspirational categories to me right now as I'm trying to hang art on our walls (finally) now that most of them are painted.
I think this photo is such a sweet idea for baby/family photo. It's amazing how unique each of our sets of hands are. And I think this type of photo would be great to look back on after many years of growing older. I also love that you can see both the wedding bands in the shot.

Next is a simple, inexpensive print I found on Ikea's website. I love black and white photos. And there was something about the architecture of this print I especially liked. A must buy.
This last picture could be included in the DIY category as well. I like the eclectic look of the handkerchiefs in frames. It adds a lot of color and interest to the space. This would be a great way to display a collection (if you collect that type of thing).

I love Pinterest! Be Inspired!

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