I actually came across a great website that provides all kinds of suggestions on how to better organize your home. Given my love of organizing, I was immediately intrigued by the information provided. The name of the site is SIMPLIFY 101.
Here are just a few of the benefits of the website:
1. Sign up for a FREE organizing newsletter! Get quick, simple and creative ideas for your organizing dilemmas...from clutter control to creative storage ideas. Get inspired to get organized!

2. Sign up for online workshops! The organizing classes combine learning, sharing, action and creativity, making it simple and fun to get organized. See the online workshop catalog HERE.

3. Get inspired by reading organizing tips and organizing articles for fresh ideas on tackling family clutter, closet organization, scrapbook storage, and goal setting, plus a variety of other hot organizing topics!

4. Simplify 101 offers Professional Organizing Services, which are designed to inspire, empower and create lasting results! This includes organizing coaching and in-home organizing.

In addition to all of the above, you can shop online for organizing tools.
And Simply 101 has a great BLOG you can follow, which is loaded with organizing tips, inspiration, photographs of creative organizing projects.
Does any of this interest you? Then jump on the organizing bandwagon by clicking HERE! (or any of the underlined links above)
Note: This is not a paid advertisement. I just love this site and wanted to share the organizing love with you!

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